Monday November 9th: Hurricane Ida is expected to hit where i am right now; Cancun, Mexico. I'm pretty excited which is a odd response for people that are going to be effected by a Hurricane, yes I know, But i've never been in any really dangerous situations before, Tusnami's, Blizzards or anything also not mentioning that were in Michigan . I really want to be apart of somthing like that, and just experience it, or i can say that I was in a hurricane before, I think that would be pretty cool. I heard also that it's not going to be HUGE like hurricane Katrina or somthing it should be small but still, it will be pretty cool. One thing im kinda worried about it that by the windows and doors water has been leaking in, so that kinda worries me just a bit. Ever since me and my sister arrived it's been raining, and it hasnt stopped, which kinda stinks because of little to no sun. But we've still have been making the best of it. When I went in the sea yesturday the wave were really big.I got plowed over a few times really hard. I really want to boogy board right now, its the best time too. But the lifegaurd is soo picky when we can and cannot. Also yesturday, I saw the most crazyest thing of my life! My family and friends were on our daily walk, when a huge crowd started to go by a part of a beach. This guy was swimming when he got pulled by the undertoe out into the Sea, but the life gaurd went in after him and saved him. So now im really aware when i go swimming now.